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Whether you are brainstorming your first assignment at Saint Louis University or putting the final touches on your dissertation, 博彩网址大全's 大学写作服务 can offer 对你的写作和作文过程的个性化反馈.


大学写作服务 is committed to the campus-wide improvement of student 通过一对一的咨询来写作. 我们与来自博彩网址大全所有学院的学生一起工作 学术性和非学术性写作. 写作顾问也可以 provide content-based feedback on cover letters, group projects, multimodal assignments, 个人陈述和演讲/口头报告. 

Our role is to support you by offering a variety of consultation options to hone your 技巧,成为一个更自信的作家. 我们鼓励你把你的项目带来 at any stage during the composition process, which can include but is not limited to:

  • 遵循任务或项目指导方针
  • 头脑风暴和确定你想写的主题
  • 形成研究问题和假设 
  • 发展论文陈述和论点
  • 组织思想(结构、主题/结束语、过渡、流程)
  • 用证据研究和支持主张(来源/引用整合)
  • 正确引用和格式化来源
  • 提高清晰度,用词和措辞
  • 识别反复出现的语法和标点错误
  • 修改草案,落实反馈意见 

我们不能保证更好的成绩,也不校对或编辑论文. 我们的帮助, but we also ensure that students take responsibility for their work and develop writerly 角色. 我们的最终目标是让学生成为自主的学习者. 


学生 may choose one of three options to receive feedback on their writing: in-person 预约、在线(异步)咨询和Zoom视频会议. 学生 can schedule appointments through EAB Navigate - Student located under Applications 在Okta的仪表板上. 咨询按小时开始,通常持续45至50小时 分钟,然后是一个简短的调查. 最多有三次预约 每周. 不允许连续预约.


大学写作服务 is offering in-person appointments, online (asynchronous) consultations, Zoom video conferences starting Monday, May 20 (the first day of 暑期班),截止到8月8日星期五. 9(暑期班的最后一天).

In accordance with the 博彩网址大全 academic calendar, these services will not be available 大学假期期间. 写作中心将关闭:

  • 5月26日星期日至5月27日星期一(阵亡将士纪念日)
  • 6月18日(星期二)至6月19日(星期三)
  • 7月4日(星期四)至7月5日(星期五)(独立日)

During this time, the entire staff will be out of the office and unable to hold appointments 或审阅提交的文件. 


如果你需要帮助安排约会,看看这个 循序渐进的指导 使用EAB导航-学生在Okta仪表板上的应用程序. 

如有疑问,请发电子邮件 writing@michaelandnatalia.com.


大学写作服务 will be offering in-person appointments, online (asynchronous) 咨询和Zoom视频会议从8月8日(周三)开始. 第一天 上课时间)至12月11日(星期五). 13(期末考试的最后一天).

In accordance with the 博彩网址大全 academic calendar, these services will not be available 大学假期期间. 写作中心将关闭:

  • 周日,9月. 9月1日至周一. 2(劳动节)
  • 星期三,9月. 25(健康日)
  • 周四,10月. 10月24日至周日. 27(秋季假期)
  • 周三,11月. 12月27日至周日. 1(感恩节)

During this time, the entire staff will be out of the office and unable to hold appointments 或审阅提交的文件. 


学生 may schedule in-person appointments at the Busch Student Center, suite 331; Pius XII Memorial Library, room 320; and Trudy Busch Valentine School of Nursing, 114套房.

If you are working on an assignment for a specific class, you are encouraged to bring 老师提供的提示和评分标准. 写作项目 that are not class-based (dissertations, journal submissions, master's theses, personal 语句等.),我们鼓励你带上你所收到的指引.

Appointments typically begin with a discussion of the context and audience surrounding 项目以及你对成品的愿景和需求. 后固化 the goals, you and/or the consultant will read your work aloud, discussing higher- and lower-order concerns to develop a plan for completing or revising your project.

To schedule an in-person appointment, go to EAB Navigate - Student under Applications 在Okta的仪表板上 and select your preferred location to see the consultants' 可用性.


异步约会将远程执行. 异步意味着学生 and consultants will interact with each other at different times via email rather than physically meeting in person or participating in a live conference online.

第一步是预约. 要安排异步咨询, 转到位于Okta仪表板上应用程序下的EAB导航-学生. Select "Online (Asynchronous) Consultation" as the preferred service to see all the consultants’ 可用性.

The second step is to complete the Online Submission Form (link provided in the description (EAB最后确认页). 提交 form will provide two designated locations for attachments, one to upload your document 另一个是上传一个可选的相关提示或标题. 给予是有益的 尽可能多地了解项目的背景和目的. 请 保存和上传文件 .医生或 .多克斯格式.

After completing the required steps, you should receive two email confirmations — 一份来自EAB导航-学生,一份来自在线提交表格. 

Starting at the time of your appointment, an 经验d writing consultant will begin to make suggestions on how to improve your project for approximately four to seven 内容页面. 此反馈将包括边缘评论(使用Microsoft Word内置的评论功能)、摘要和行动计划. 咨询师会 从writing@slu给你发邮件.下午10点.m. 你预约的那天. 下载 updated document to your computer, as you may not see marginal comments in many internet 浏览器的“查看”功能. 

If you want additional feedback after an initial draft (or, if you want, a writing consultant to look at an unrelated assignment from a different class), you will need 安排另一次预约并提交新表格. 这两个步骤都必须重复. Indicate the appropriate section that you would like the consultant to review, whether 如果它是一个较长的项目,它是相同的部分或新的页面范围. 


同步视频咨询将使用Zoom实时进行. 你 and the writing consultant will be able to look at your writing project simultaneously 通过屏幕共享,使用会议中对话功能,并进行标注. 这些会议 can be conducted using a desktop computer, laptop (preferred), tablet/smartphone (limited 功能). 要与写作顾问沟通,你的设备必须有 麦克风可访问性. 强烈建议使用网络摄像头.

To schedule a synchronous video consultation, go to EAB Navigate - Student located 在Okta仪表板上的应用程序下. 选择“缩放视频会议”作为首选选项 服务查看所有顾问的可用性. 记得保存链接到 最后确认页上的顾问私人会议室. 登录Zoom 在您与您的顾问会面的日期和时间.


在大学写作服务,我们帮助你完成你正在写的任何东西. 甚至 the most 经验d writers find it useful to get feedback on their work throughout 整个创作过程.


我们可以帮助你完成同一份作业的不同草稿. 如果你有计划 ahead and make multiple appointments over the course of a project, we can offer even 更多的帮助. 我们建议每学期来几次. 将你的写作分为 更小的步骤可以改善最终产品. 如果我们的调度软件不允许 you to make an appointment far enough in advance, please contact Coordinator of Academic 支持亚历山大·奥卡西奥 亚历克斯.ocasio@michaelandnatalia.com.



同行咨询可以让你说出你的优先事项、想法和关注的问题. 可以是 a time to think aloud, organize thoughts and ask questions outside of a classroom 设置.

Consultants at 大学写作服务 are part-time staff, graduate assistants, and undergraduate peers who are trained in the different ways people write and how 以尊重和富有成效的方式与他人讨论写作. 我们的顾问 好的倾听者和好的作家一样好吗.

  • 研究生与训练有素的兼职工作人员和研究生助理一起工作.
  • Undergraduate students work with trained part-time staff, graduate assistants, 本科顾问.


我们的顾问来自不同的专业. 咨询是一种极好的服务方式 the 博彩网址大全 community while gaining additional writing, communication, professional 经验.


engl3859 -写作咨询实习


教学生如何举办面对面和在线写作会议. 课程包括 analyzing writing, understanding common academic and professional writing genres, 用股票策略回应作者. 三种轨迹 students the choice of how they will complete the course: through coursework only, through coursework and service-learning, or through coursework and an internship at 大学写作服务(UWS). 实习学生第二次在威斯康星大学进行咨询 学期过半. 成功完成所有课程的学生 有资格申请在西澳大学工作. 计入英语系 修辞学、写作和技术.

属性:教育成分 & 修辞学,英语修辞学 & 论证、修辞、写作、 技术,UUC:写作密集型


完成ENGL 3859课程后,学生可以申请工作岗位. 大学写作 Services usually hires six to nine new 本科顾问 each academic year 谁每周工作几个小时.

Paid consultants continue their professional development by training with other staff members in addition to researching, reflecting, writing about theoretical principles 这影响了当前写作中心的做法.